Virtual Access Monitor
Centralised Network Monitoring and Reporting for Virtual Access Routers

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Live monitoring of device status

  • Usage statistics graphs
  • Live Syslog feed from devices
  • Display per minute when device is online/offline
  • Configurable alerts
  • Graphical view of used carriers
  • Email notification service
  • Proxy SSH and Telnet access to devices
  • Access to devices residing in both public and private networks

Monitor is a secure portal that provides your support team with live monitoring of devices, real-time diagnostics, email notification, and dashboard graph reporting. Activator automatically creates an entry for a router in the Monitor database during the router initialisation process, which means all the device identities are displayed automatically in Monitor. Together, Activator and Monitor provide a highly scalable management solution that grows with your service.

Live Monitoring
Monitor works in conjunction with each installed router. It captures detailed, practical information and shows diagnostic views of any individual router or group of devices in real-time. Devices are colour-coded for quick recognition of online and offline status.

Monitor Image 1

Monitor provides a live Syslog feed that displays notification messages based on varying event severity levels.Messages are displayed on a per – device or pergroup basis.Time – stamped events are stored in the database and can be viewed or forwarded to the network manager.Advanced search features allow you to quickly access device information.
Examples of configurable events include:

  • System events
  • Mobile: SIM in/out, Link up/down
  • Ethernet Link up/down
  • Authentication
  • WiFi
  • IPSec: phase 1 and 2
  • ADSL
  • PPP

Proxy SSH & Telnet Access
Monitor offers proxy SSH and Telnet access to devices, allowing you to connect to devices that otherwise may not be reachable, such as those on private networks or behind firewalls.

Email Notification
You can configure Monitor to send email notifications, alerting users to device status changes, for example, devices going on- or off-line. Configure individual devices or groups of devices to allow operators or network managers to get email notifications as soon as devices go online or offline. This feature is extremely useful when networks contain critical devices that require attention as soon as they go offline.

Monitor provides statistical information that is displayed in real-time in a series of graphs. You can use this information for a central analysis of routers. You can access a multitude of graphs that show maximum, minimum and average values for the following information:

  • Bytes transmitted per hour
  • Bytes received per hour
  • Signal strength: average, max and min
  • Error count: average, max and min
  • Online percentages

Online time graphs show exactly when devices have been on- or off-line. The graphs provide an excellent means of quickly identifying irregularities and of pinpointing when issues have arisen. For each device, Monitor can store information, right back to when the device first went online, providing you with a complete graphical history of the device.
A full reporting feature allows you to create custom reports. Reports can be created to include any of the above parameters over a selected period of time. Other features include the ability to set the frequency of the report, such as once off, hourly, daily or weekly, and assign any number of devices.

Database Management
Monitor manages its own data warehouse. You can specify how long device information is to be retained for, as well as the maximum database size. Using these settings, Monitor performs data trimming and clean up to prevent growth beyond these limits. Monitor also performs its own maintenance on the data warehouse’s transaction logs.

Network Operators
A Network Operators page displays in percentage values, which provider the device has been connected to over a specific period of time. Drilling into each provider allows you to see what type mobile technology, 3G, 4G and so on, was used.

Device Diagnostics
Monitor presents a list of diagnostics per device which you can use to view, diagnose and resolve issues centrally. You can also view real-time information on mobile connectivity that displays useful data such as signal strength, current operator, frequency band, GPS and so on.

Other diagnostic tools are: 

  • IPSec status
  • Routing table
  • Interface table
  • DMVPN status
  • System information
  • WiFi HotSpot status
  • SSH access
  • DHCP information

Software Requirements

ComponentDescriptionSoftware VersionLicense Requirements
Operating SystemWindows Server 2016 64Bit (English version only)Windows Server 2016 64Bit (English version only)1 server license for Windows Server
Database SoftwareMicrosoft SQL Server Standard or Enterprise Edition (English version only)SQL Server 2012 / 2014 / 20161 processor license
Application Support Software.NET framework 44.5None
Windows Server Web Edition cannot be used